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Publication Process

To publish a research article, no publication and processing fees are applicable; however, we are focusing on the collection of quality papers, so the publication process is carefully constructed.

The publication process for The OCEM Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences outlined as below:

1. Submission: Authors can submit their manuscripts through the online submission system or via email.

2. Formatting Accuracy Check: The Managing Editor conducts an initial screening to ensure the manuscript adheres to formatting guidelines.

3. Plagiarism Screening: The submitted manuscript undergoes a plagiarism check. If the similarity index is below 15%, it proceeds to the next stage.

4. Double-Blind Review Process: Manuscripts passing the initial checks are sent for a double-blind peer review process with the consent of the Chief Editor.

5. Peer Review: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript and provide feedback. The manuscript is then returned to the author with reviewer comments.

6. Author Revisions: Authors are required to revise their manuscripts based on reviewer feedback and address any issues raised during the peer review.

7. Editorial Decision: The Chief Editor, in consultation with the editorial team, decides whether the revised manuscript is suitable for publication.

8. Publication Decision: If the Chief Editor approves, the manuscript is considered for publication, and the author is informed of the decision.

9. Correspondence: Throughout the process, there is continuous correspondence between the Chief Editor and other editors involved.

10. Final Publication: Once accepted, the manuscript undergoes final formatting and editing before being published in The OCEM Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences.